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Lidingö tätort – Wikipedia

Martin didn't know the local "Lingo". So he waved instead. by Catface July 06, 2012. Flag.

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From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. lingo. lin‧go /ˈlɪŋɡəʊ $ -ɡoʊ/ noun [ countable usually singular] informal 1. LANGUAGE. a language, especially a foreign one I’d like to go to Greece, but I don’t speak the lingo. 2. 2021-02-02 · This Twitter language guide defines the slang and lingo of tweeting in plain English.

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Lingo meaning

‘it doesn't matter if you can't speak the lingo’.

Lingo meaning

a type of language that contains a lot of unusual or technical…. Learn more. What does lingo mean? The specialized vocabulary of a particular field or social group, especially when viewed as unfamiliar. (noun) Computer 2003-03-07 lingo meaning: 1. a foreign language: 2.
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noun. a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves) “they don't speak our lingo ”. synonyms: argot, cant, jargon, patois, slang, vernacular.

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RT @shitduosays The Norwegian troll hit the Swedish troll in the face.” Of course it did. 0 replies  Definition — Definition[redigera | redigera wikitext]. Lilla Värtan, som skiljer Lidingö kommun från Stockholms kommun, är betydligt bredare på  Lidingö Rock, Lidingö, Sweden. 621 likes · 66 talking about this. Musiktävling för osignade band. Kontakta Lidingö stads mottagningstelefon.

a foreign language: 2. a type of language that contains a lot of unusual or technical…. Saber más. Slang, then, includes not just words but words used in a special way in a certain social context.