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Excretion (a) define the term excretion Excretion – the removal of metabolic waste from the body, of by-products or unwanted substances from normal cell processes. Functions of the Liver: control of: blood glucose levels, amino acid levels, lipid levels synthesis of: red blood cells in the fetus, bile, plasma proteins, cholesterol storage of: vitamins A, … excreted is not very large, and there is no detectable excretion of ammonia by normal humans. The reversible reaction between ammonia and glutamic acid can be described as follows: Urea It is the major nitrogenous waste product derived from amino acid metabolism. It is also excreted by some animal as an end product of purine bases metabolism. Excretion is the removal of substances from plants, animals and other living organisms. In humans, the skin, lungs and kidneys are excretory organs. 2012-07-26 · What is Excretion?
The removal of substances from the blood supply via the LIVER and BILIARY Excretion is best described as the removal of Metabolic wastes from a cell. Subject: Biology. Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams , CAT. Job Role: Analyst , Bank Clerk , Bank PO. Excretion is best described as the removal of. January 29, 2020 by mcq. A) Undigested material from the digestive tract.
These processes or activities, common to all living things, are known as life functions. An organism is transport, respiration, excretion, regulation, growth, reproduction, synthesis, and metabolism are the life functions or Excretion is the removal from the body of the waste products of metabolic activity.
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B. Toxic wastes by the process of cyclosis. C. Water molecules from dipeptide Excretion is the removal of waste substances from body fluids, substances that include drugs and their metabolites. Excretion predominantly occurs via urine formed in the kidneys; other routes of drug excretion from the body include bile, saliva, breast milk, and exhaled air.
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Is excretion best described as the removal of undigested material from the digestive tract?
The digestive tract begins at the mouth and ends at the anus.
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👍 Correct answer to the question Excertion is best described as the removal of what - Excretion is best described as the removal of A) Undigested material from the digestive tract B) -
Excretion is the removal of the metabolic wastes of an organism. These wastes must have travelled at one time in the: A lungs B blood C rectum: 2. The excretory system consists of: A rectum, lungs, skin and kidneys B rectum, liver and kidneys C lungs, liver, skin and kidneys: 3. The wastes excreted from the lungs are: A carbon dioxide and is your ultimate one stop haven of knowledge.
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The functional unit of the kidney responsible for excretion is the nephron. Each kidney contains about one million nephrons. The process of removal of the body’s wastes is called What two terms best describe this process Which of the following is a structure related to excretion Excretion of Drugs: Metabolism, storage and excretion are the three mechanisms by which drugs are removed from the animal’s body. Storage of drugs in fat depots, in the reticuloendothelial system, and in bone play significant role in removal of lipid soluble agents, colloidal substances, and heavy metals respectively. therapeutic indices or short half-lives, are best administered as a slow IV infusion or drip.
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Elimination is the removal of indigestible material in the body. Excretion is best described as the removal of Metabolic wastes from a cell. 2012-11-14 · excretion is the general removal of wastes by the body. In humans, it can be through defecation, urination, exhaling, sweating, and even crying.
Therefore, drug dosing depends largely on kidney function. Some drugs are eliminated by excretion in the bile (a greenish This latter information is better obtained from databases that are continually updated, as described in the last section of this Elimination may involve excretion from the body or transformation to other substances not captured by a 18 Nov 2015 disposition, which describes the time course of drug distribution and elimination from the site of measurement e.g.